About us
AGS is a socially responsible seafood processing company that purchases fresh seafood from independent fishermen, who harvest their wild catch from sustainable fisheries in a responsible manner from the cold pristine waters of Alaska. AGS produces canned, fresh and frozen seafood and sells to wholesale customers around the world. Our seafood products are manufactured in processing facilities which are certified at the highest levels, by both state and federal regulators and independent food inspection agencies, to ensure our seafood products are wholesome and of high quality.
AGS’s headquarters are located in Edmonds, Washington. The company has a total of 3 locations in Alaska: two processing plants (one in Naknek and the second in Ketchikan, Alaska) and a Fish Camp in Egegik, Alaska. The Naknek processing plant and Egegik fish camp are both located in Bristol Bay, home of the world’s largest wild sockeye salmon fishery. Thirty to Fifty percent of the world’s supply of wild sockeye salmon comes from Bristol Bay. The sockeye fishery usually runs from mid-June to late July. Our Ketchikan, Alaska plant is located in Southeast Alaska (or the Panhandle) and is open from late June to the end of August. Southeast Alaska is known for its abundance of pink and chum salmon.
AGS employs a diverse workforce and takes pride in providing a safe and healthy workplace for our employees. Alaska Business Monthly Magazine listed AGS as one of the top 100 employers in Alaska.
At AGS, we support local and regional charitable organizations by providing financial support as well as donating seafood products.
Our Affiliates
We’re proud to be a longstanding partner with some of the best organizations in fisheries and seafood. Our affiliation with the Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation, Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, Pacific Seafood Processors Association, Northwest Fisheries Association and SeaShare is a testament to our commitment to the industry and stewardship of the resource.